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Join us for a 5 week Journey to experiment, to play and to trust all the ways your inner knowing is speaking to you. 


 1) 60 minute zoom sessions 
2) Group support within the sessions 
3) Individualized numerology report 

Your magic hat will be filled with a mix of:

meditations, numerology, use of oracle cards, unique ways to journal, muscle testing, pendulum and more. 

Simple ways to unleash
your intuition! 

Every Tuesday Evening for 5 weeks!

It will be Tuesday nights beginning
November 16, 2021- December 14, 2021 
7:30pm- 8:30pm PST

Early Bird!

Early Bird rate for the first 7 people who register get a:

complimentary session with Jessica or 30 minute 1:1 with Cindy.


Meet the Creators


Jessica Cerato


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Cindy Ryan


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