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Respect Your Rest as You Do Your Work

  • Pacific Standard Time (PST)


You don’t “have” energy. You are energy. Pure, Spirit energy. ​Throughout history, mystics, philosophers, and healing traditions have illuminated this fundamental truth. For years, I believed that the more I worked and pushed myself, the more I would achieve and the greater I would become. Yet, I found myself depleted, tired, and unable to be fully present for others. It was only when I started to prioritize self-care—stretching, connecting with nature, and allowing myself to dream—that I began to truly thrive. Making space for dreaming became my new focus, and the results were transformative. I received guidance from my spiritual guides, became a source of calm for my loved ones, and even experienced relief from lingering illnesses. I invite you to join me in integrating dreaming into your life. Each week, we'll set intentions, enjoy uplifting music, and I'll provide energy healing for everyone. Together, let's tap into the power of our dreams to nourish our spirits and cultivate holistic well-being.

Upcoming Appointments

Cancellation Policy

Rescheduling can be done within a 24 hrs of scheduled appointment.

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